Change Log

Version 2024.7.3 - 13 July 2024
  • d4aa15c - Aallyn - 13 July 2024 - Updated hour to show timedelta more accurately
Version 2024.7.2 - 12 July 2024
  • a095682 - Aallyn - 12 July 2024 - Increased snack bar duration to 5 seconds for readability
Version 2024.7.1 - 11 July 2024
  • 6959c25 - Aallyn - 11 July 2024 - Updated translation files
  • 9967d8e - Aallyn - 11 July 2024 - Fixed a bug with projects tab and added some checks and error messages to custom directory picking
  • 1f5cde3 - Aallyn - 11 July 2024 - Fixed a bug with projects tab
  • cc09a60 - Aallyn - 11 July 2024 - Update
  • 7101ca3 - Aallyn - 11 July 2024 - Create
  • e6fa9fa - Aallyn - 09 July 2024 - Added Discord to readme
Version 2024.6.21 - 28 June 2024
  • 7ce08a5 - Aallyn - 28 June 2024 - Fixed a bug with file extractor
Version 2024.6.20 - 25 June 2024
  • 597ecd7 - Aallyn - 25 June 2024 - Fixed a probable bug
  • f778944 - Aallyn - 25 June 2024 - Fixed long shade rotations
Version 2024.6.19 - 22 June 2024
  • b0ebd87 - Aallyn - 22 June 2024 - Downgraded interface library due to bugs
Version 2024.6.18 - 21 June 2024
  • b5ae17a - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Moved version checking to server side
Version 2024.6.17 - 21 June 2024
  • 22480f5 - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Added images for biomes
  • fbb24ff - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Improved Long Shade biome widget
  • 12a9e7f - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Updated translations
  • b4b82f0 - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Improve home widget to support in app actions
  • 733296c - Aallyn - 21 June 2024 - Disabled experiment for mod cfg reading
Version 2024.6.16 - 20 June 2024
  • 29b91cf - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Fix a bug when the program is launched from protocol
  • b46b681 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Simplified data input from biomes experiment
  • ee2fd13 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Updated code for new library changes
  • b7a0a31 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Updated translations
  • 09f4a43 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Dark theme is now a bit darker
Version 2024.6.15 - 20 June 2024
  • 12f6069 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Added an experiment with mods
  • ea6d035 - Aallyn - 20 June 2024 - Updated translation files
  • e0be353 - Aallyn - 19 June 2024 - Removed zips from cloud mods
  • 2153e8a - Aallyn - 17 June 2024 - Update

Renewed Trove Tools aims to make the experience with trove modding better and modern, as well as provide tools that ease calculations and other mechanics of the game.

Thank you for using my application.

Copyright © Aallyn 2023-Present